
ElectronicDataInterCharge.連線費.AMS.AutomatedManifestSystem.自動通關系統.FSC.FuelSurcharge.燃料附加費.SS.SecuritySurcharge.安檢費.AllIn.All ...,SS,SecuritySurcharge,安檢費;AllIn,AllIn,全含;DAP,DeliveredAtTerminal,Todoor不含稅;DDP,DeliveredDutyPaid,Todoor含稅.,和其他被告透過商定附加費(航空貨運公司收取的除正常運輸費之外的特定額外費用,如「燃油附加費」或「安全附加費」)通謀操控、提高、維持或固...

[PDF] 航空名詞

Electronic Data Inter Charge. 連線費. AMS. Automated Manifest System. 自動通關系統. FSC. Fuel Surcharge. 燃料附加費. SS. Security Surcharge. 安檢費. All In. All ...


SS, Security Surcharge, 安檢費 ; All In, All In, 全含 ; DAP, Delivered At Terminal, To door 不含稅 ; DDP, Delivered Duty Paid, To door 含稅.

security surcharge - 英中

和其他被告透過商定附加費(航空貨運公司收取的除正常運輸費之外的特定額外費用,如「燃油附加費」或「安全附加費」)通謀操控、提高、 維持或固定航空貨運服務價格、共同 ...

專有名詞- 資源共享

Fuel Surcharge, 燃料附加費. H/C, Handling Charge, 手續費. POD, Proof Of Delivery, 貨到簽收證明. SS/WSC, Security Surcharge, 安檢費. WSC, Warehouse Storage ...

What is the Security Surcharge?

Security Surcharge Description: Only applying to air freight, this surcharge covers additional security measures mandated by the airport authority. Trending.

Security Surcharges

The TNT Domestic Security Surcharge is a charge applied by TNT which has regard to the security costs associated with freight movements within the Domestic ...

什么是安全附加费(SEC)Security Surcharge?

在航空货物运输的报价中,在运费之外,通常会单独列出燃油附加费和安全附加费 。 安全附加费在运单(AWB)上通常表示为SCC。 SC是Security Charge的简称,俗称“战险”。

Security Surcharge

The shipping lines charge a Security Surcharge (also known as ISPS surcharge) to cover these costs. A customer might get charged ISPS surcharge in the form of ...